By Valencia Legodi Pfumani Raphasha, a 25-year-old individual, made multiple suicide attempts but was unsuccessful. She grappled with persistent thoughts of self-harm, hurtful insults, and challenges in her relationships. The stability of her family was disrupted when her father betrayed her mother and shifted the blame onto his spouse for his infidelity, resulting in him taking out his frustrations on their children. The quarrels between her parents disturbed the family's peace and made home unpleasant. “It broke my heart to see my siblings go through it in tears, I felt so helpless at that time because there was not much I could do to help them, “she said. In 2015, she was diagnosed with depression and a minor stroke due to stress and anxiety. Doctors often advised her to maintain a positive mindset and to avoid things and people that caused her stress. The stress she experienced at home and in her toxic relationship became unbearable. As a result, she overdosed on her m...